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Miss Tsu, Queen Esther Adashu Decrowned( Most Read)

HRM Queen Esther Adashu decrowned from being the Miss Tsu, Kate Audu's Blog gathered that its been a while she stopped attending the club Prestige meetings. The organization called her attention to know her reasons, she aggressively reacted and refused to collect the letter they served her, the Queen also left the klubs  whatsapp group and refused to respond to the letter which implies she is no longer interested.
She violated the klubs rules and regulations severally.
She attends events anytime without notifying the klub.
She has been posting unnecessary pictures on her social media handles which gives wrong impressions of her as a queen.
The Klub has taken their finally step by Decrowning Queen Esther.

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  1. Hmmmmmmmmm TSU deserve better representative

  2. This is serious first time in the history of klub prestige,I was the organizing Secretary.

  3. Oh my! But that's so not fair, the decrowning should have come with a warning. But I pray that it is well with her, cos she's such a sweetheart, we can't get better Queen than her that I promise, she's so true to herself and does not live a double life.


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