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Recognizing A Healthy Relationship: A Must Read......KAB

Recognizing A Healthy Relationship

Get to know everyone's expectations. In any relationship, every participant should know what the expectations are in order to avoid feelings of being used or neglected.
If you're dating someone, it is important that both partners are on the same page when it comes to issues like how often you will see each other, how often you'll talk or text, how physically intimate you will be, and whether or not you will date other people.
In marriage and work relationships, it is important to understand each person's role and responsibilities to avoid feelings of resentment or confusion.

2.Communicate effectively and openly. Every relationship can be improved just by improving communication. Unfortunately, most people don't learn how to communicate effectively as they grow up, so it can be difficult to have important conversations or stand up for yourself if you don't make a concerted effort to learn the basics of effective communication.
In a relationship, you should approach conflict and disagreement with the perspective that you are a team. Instead of viewing a disagreement as your chance to prove a point or win an argument, try to think of it as a challenge to come up with a mutually-beneficial solution.
Don't sit on negative feelings for too long without expressing them to your partner. Otherwise, you could become resentful. If you find yourself angry or sad about the relationship, think about why you're feeling that way and then talk to your partner about it. Let them know how you feel and what you think could help.

3.Watch for signs of dysfunction. Relationships of all kinds should make you feel good about yourself and happy that you know the other person. Sometimes, though, relationships become a burden and can even affect your state of mind. If your relationship is dysfunctional, it may be time to sever ties or seek counseling. Watch for these warning signs in any relationship
One person has more power or control than the other, and demands that the other person does what he or she says or wants. This can include limiting who the other person can spend time with, how they spend money, or how physically affectionate they are.
One person (or both) becomes emotionally manipulative and tries to get the other to respond by creating feelings of guilt, pity, or jealousy.
One person is a giver and the other person is just a taker. For example, a friend may always expect you to drop your plans for them, get them out of a bind, or be physically affectionate with no commitment.

4.Learn about work relationships. These are the people whom you see every day but are not necessarily close to. These relationships can be very important to your success. If you build good relationships with the people you work with or the people you're in school with, you can show that you are a team player.
Try to treat everyone you work with with respect and kindness, even if they are not someone you would want to be friends with on a social basis. Your coworkers all have different life experiences that can be helpful in the workplace, so look for everyone's strengths.
Sometimes work relationships overlap with romantic or friend relationships, which can often be confusing (and in the case of romantic relationships, may sometimes be against your workplace rules). Remember to stay professional whenever you are at work, and treat everyone the same.

5.Familiarize yourself with romantic relationships. Whether it be dating or marriage, relationships like these can be complicated and hard to understand.
Romantic relationships give people a chance to open their hearts to someone else, and connect on a very intimate level. This person will see the good and bad sides of you, and love you anyway. Communication is key to keeping a romantic relationship healthy and happy.
Because of the intimacy of romantic relationships, they can cause a lot of pain and heartache from misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and disappointment. Choose carefully who you open your heart to, but you also have to be willing to take some risks in the name of love. Otherwise, you might miss out on a great relationship.

Keep following Kate Audu's Blog for more updates weekly on relationship tips and more..............

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